Bellavista neighborhood is a sector of the city of Santiago, the capital of Chile, located between the northern bank of the Mapocho River and the San Cristóbal hill. It is divided between the communes of Providencia to the east and Recoleta to the west, separated by Pío Nono Street which serves as the backbone of the neighborhood.

Its development began in colonial times, when the sector was known as La Chimba. With the construction of the Cal y Canto Bridge, it was joined to the rest of the city and, since the beginning of the XIX century, it was developed in an urbanistic way. At that time, it was a Catholic and aristocratic area, while nowadays popular bars coexist with cultural centers and national and international gastronomy, being the main bohemian neighborhood in the country.

Some attractions are La Chascona, built in 1953, was the third property of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda and the only one he had in Santiago. Also the gastronomy is a characteristic of the place, in the eastern sector of Barrio Bellavista, on Constitución Street, between Dardignac and Antonia López de Bello, there are haute cuisine restaurants that offer a varied cuisine. Also in the surroundings of the corner of Mallinkrodt and Dardignac.

Details Bellavista neighborhood

  • Antonia López de Bello 14, Recoleta, Providencia, Región Metropolitana

